
AdLinkFly v6.0.4

AdLinkFly v6.0.4

Easily accessible & make users adminsTrue
View site statistics on the dashboardTrue
Change website name & descriptionTrue
Change default site language and timezoneTrue
Add your website logo in two versionsTrue
Enable/Disable Account Activation by EmailTrue
Enable/Disable advertising featuresTrue
Change Referral Percentage earningTrue
Ability to add Head Code into front area pagesTrue
Ability to add Head Code into Auth pages like signin, sinup, forgot password pagesTrue
Ability to add Head Code into member areaTrue
Ability to add Head Code into admin areaTrue
Disallow certain domains from be shortenedTrue
Change alias min length & max lengthTrue
Enable/Disable Interstitial AdvertisementTrue
Enable/Disable Banner AdvertisementTrue
Enable/Disable No AdvertTrue
Set default advertisement type for anonymous and membersTrue
Set counter value into short links pagesTrue
Set Mass Shrinker LimitTrue
Admin can ads into various positions like:True
Member AreaTrue
Captcha pageTrue
Interstitial Page Ad: This ad will be displayed between logo and counter.True
Banner 728×90True
Banner 468×60True
Banner 336×280True
Ability to change currency codeTrue
Ability to change Currency symbolTrue
Ability to ad Facebook Page URLTrue
Ability to ad Twitter Profile URLTrue
Ability to ad Google Plus URLTrue
SMTP email supportTrue
Ability to filter campaignsTrue
Ability to filter usersTrue
Ability to filter linksTrue
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